Effective July 1, 2023:
The Board of Directors of Crosswinds Condominium Association (the “Association”) adopts these rules on the 6th day of June, 2023, effective July 1, 2023.
A. The Association is responsible for governance, maintenance and administration of Crosswinds (the “Condominium”).
B. Article VII, Section 15 of the Condominium Bylaws authorizes the Association’s Board of Directors to adopt and enforce reasonable rules and regulations in the interest of the Condominium.
C. The Association’s Board of Directors desires to adopt rules governing the use of trash receptacles provided by the Association to Units in the Condominium, and to implement particular fines for violations of the Trash Receptacle Rules.
The Association’s Board of Directors adopts the following Trash Receptacle Rules (the “Rules”), which are binding upon all Co-owners and their tenants, occupants, successors and assigns, and which supersede any previously adopted rules on the same subject matter:
1. Each Unit is being provided with one (1) trash receptacle marked with the Unit address. All trash, refuse and waste generated by a Unit must be fully placed within the Unit’s designated trash receptacle. Unit residents shall independently arrange for the proper disposal of any trash, refuse or waste which does not fit within the designated trash receptacle, and shall not leave any such trash, refuse or waste on the Common Elements.
2. Failure to comply with these Rules shall result in a $100.00 fine for a first violation and a $250.00 for each subsequent violation of these Rules. The Association shall follow the procedures previously adopted for levying and collecting monetary fines.
3. This Rule shall be construed in conjunction with, and not in contravention of, the various provisions of the Condominium Documents.
Respectfully submitted,
Board of Directors
Crosswinds Condominium Association
Please click here to view the Trash Removal Update Notice